Zero Net Energy Home Trends

$3 billion: The potential market value for ZNE homes by 2037, according to the Rocky Mountain Institute

Zero Net Energy (ZNE) homes are becoming more popular every day. In fact, more than 22,000 zero net energy projects are either in design, construction, or completed, according to Team Zero1. As high-performance technologies and solar photovoltaic (PV) systems become more cost-effective and energy codes require higher efficiencies, ZNE and Zero Energy Ready (ZER) homes are likely to continue to increase in popularity.

ZNE homes produce as much energy as they use. You can achieve ZNE home status by increasing a home’s energy efficiency and adding a renewable energy source such as solar to offset the home’s remaining energy consumption. ZER homes are built with the same efficiency features and are equipped to add a renewable power source like solar to offset electricity usage from the grid. Visit to learn more about ZNE homes.